Tuesday, November 4, 2008



I think that is the is only picture we got of mom and dad in there costumes. Mom was a NRN(Not Really a Nurse) and dad was her patient

Friday, October 17, 2008

Cinnamon Roles, & Spoiled Rue

Tonight Rue made our favorite cinnamon role recipe, including the wonderful carmel frosting. Yum. let me know if you want the recipe :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Invasion of the Q-Tips

The last few weeks we have notice the influx of old people in the valley. Curt seeing more crazy, slow driving, and the old man that fell asleep at the stop light. Shay having to wait 30mins at the Costco pharmacy, instead of the normal 2mins. Not only are they on the roads, and in the stores, they are every where, no parking stop can be found. Oh, yes, its finally fall time, the Q-tips are back.

Monday, October 6, 2008

This Weekend

Two things happened this weekend.

First, after 2 years in this house, Curt finally got around to putting up the second set of hammock hooks. Now we both can have our own hammock! Yay!

Second, while taking our nightly walk with the dog we spotted a scorpion trying to cross the street. For Curt this wasn't a big deal because growing up, when he'd visit his cousins they would torch scorpions by the hundreds on the back fence. But for me this was my first time, this sucker was the size of my hand, it definitely gave me the hebegebes. Curt, being the little boy that he is, wanted to step on it but realized he had sandals on and didn't want to get stung.

And this is Rue pouting under the kitchen table, with his leg warmer on.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Into the 80's

After about 2 weeks of above average temperature of 100, we are enjoying our first day of having the windows and doors open. Rufus really likes this, every few minutes he runs inside to make sure the door is still open. crazy dog. But unfortunately we will be back into the 90's on Monday.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Amish Friendship Bread

Ten days ago we were given a Amish starter from a friend and having no one to pass the starters to Rufus decided to make up the bread and freeze it. There is Vanilla, Chocolate, Apple, and Lemon Poppy Seed. Yum.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Moo

Baby Gifts

I'd like to thank my wonderful sisters for these great gift ideas.

Burp rags made out of cloth diapers and hooded bath towel
I really like the bright pink hood

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back Home

After an 11 hour drive back home we arrived to find a few surprises. (Note this is all at 1:00am)

First, Honda had been parked in the garage, so Curt was going to move her and he walked into a huge spider web going from Honda to motorcycle, and to then to the wall. He then found the culprits, 3 black widows. After we killed them, We went into the house.

Second, in the house we found about 20 dead crickets all over the floors. It was really gross, but we are glad that they were dead because that means our bug spray is working. Yay

Third, we walked into the back yard to find a very, very, green pool, Carl was broken because some kids were throwing rocks in the pool again, and the salt cell wasn't working. While Shay was fixing Carl, Curt unpacked the car. Then we went to bed.
The next day Curt swept the pool, and we shocked it. During this time a storm rolled in.
Notice the sky in the above picture. This is from the backyard. (facing west)

This is from the front yard. (facing east). It was a good storm, lots of thunder and lightning.

After 3 days, and 5 bags of shock, we're happy to report that the pool is now back to normal, Wahoo.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Farley Family Reunion

This year our vacation was up to Utah. Because Mom & Dad Farley just got back from a mission. To celebrate this, the Farley family (14 adults, 8 kids) decided to have a reunion in Bear lake. We had a great time. We went to the lake everyday. One of the days Curt decided to dig a hole to China to watch the Olympics in person, the kids enjoyed standing in the 4 foot hole.

We only have a few pictures, we are waiting for sister-in-law to send us a CD of the rest.

But because Keara said "get to it" here are a few pictures.

Curt enjoying his vacation while watching the Olympics on a big screen TV.

Shay going down one of the slides that goes from one floor to the other. The kids had so much fun with the slides... and so did the adults. :)
Notice how this is much smaller then the counter. Yes, it's a child size toilet. Curt got a kick out of peeing in it.
This was the view of the lake we had from the house. It was really pretty watching the moon come up every night. Lastly, this is the back side of the house, showing the porches we would sit out on.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Rue to the Rescue

This is one of the games Rufus likes to play while in the pool Curtis pretends to drown and Rufus saves him

Notice the paw pushing on his head.

The Duck Dos

The two things rufus loves the most.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Orange Tree

Today moon valley came and planted our new orange tree!!!! I'm way excited, this is the third orange tree that they have replanted. i hoping this one lives a little bit longer then the last ones.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Swimming Rue

This summer Rufus has been spending his days in the pool. Don't let the face fool you he really does like it.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Not sure how this works

In the next week, when i should be studying, i will be trying to find out how to work this

Friday, May 30, 2008


This is the only picture of the day because Curtis had to work and the girl didn't know how to use my camera.